Monday, February 20, 2012

Welcome to Bloomers E-Portfolio-Education in the 21st Century!

This portfolio is a humble response to the requirement of Ed 103. It is a set of instructional materials designed to prepare us in the new era of education. It is focused on the assessment of learning. It also contains activities intended not only to boast ourselves but also for the purpose of updating skills in intellectual and creative expressions. This project helps us broaden our perspective in assessment.

e-Portfolio Basics: Why use an e-portfolio?
There are several reasons that higher education institutions are starting to use electronic portfolios including:

Storage/Access: Electronic portfolio information is stored digitally on a computer hard drive, server, or on removable media such as a floppy disk, zip disk, or CD-ROM. This electronic information takes up very little physical space and is easily accessible. Electronic portfolios not only take up little physical space, but can hold a great deal of information. Various parts of electronic portfolios can be interconnected through hyperlinks-- users do not have to worry about losing or misplacing documents. New student work can replace older work with minimal effort.
Multimedia: Once the student work is organized, users can add easily add sound, pictures, graphics and video to the electronic portfolio.
Computer Skills: Students gain valuable computer skills while creating and editing their portfolio.
Assessment: Electronic portfolios directly relate student work to the defined standards or criteria. Portfolios demonstrate wider dimensions of learning than just paper-and-pencil reports or exercises. For example, within an electronic portfolio, a student can add digital audio or video and graphics to document evidence of learning.

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